For many aeons, the realms have been ruled in dubious harmony by the cosmic forces of LIGHT and DARK.

One day, the princess of the dark, like each one before her, ascended to GODHOOD.

But by some extreme edge case scenario, she became much more powerful than any other god or goddess had been.

Fearing an attack, she absconded to the outer edges of reality to raise an army to bring down the light for good.

On her travels, she came across a solar system housing a planet teeming with primitive life - EARTH.

She implanted in the core a disease that, over the course of a few thousands of years, would slowly corrupt the planet and bring it under her control.

Only beings imbued by light would be able to stop this disease and bring the goddess down once and for all.

For 2000 years, this pandemic would go unnoticed and left to spread, until semi-recently.

The corruption has spread to the surface, and the goddess, THETA, has made herself well known.

She has started enslaving humanity. The more weak-minded have grown absolute devotion to her and will do everything in their power to infect her detractors.

Some brave but foolish souls have vowed to take her down, but were very easily overtaken.

But LEGENDS speak of THREE HEROES bound to defeat this nexus of darkness: a knight, an archer, and a mage defected from the dark.

Only they, imbued with the crystals of light, will seal the wounds of Earth and face THETA directly, bringing the balance of the realms into equilibrium.


", with that in mind... can I join your party?"


"Nah, we've got someone magic already."

* The door opens with a profound woosh.


"Did someone say MAGIC??"